Attention! Our next trainings are planned to be held in spring 2025!
Dates to be announced at the earliest possible opportunity.
Training your employees do have a significant role in modern business environment. Training and development leads to improved profitability and help to achieve the organizational goals. It’s crucial for every organization to ensure their employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their daily job tasks effectively.
Role of lubrication in machine reliability.
Facilities typically spend less than 1% of their maintenance budget on lubrication, but spend 20-30% of their maintenance budget on dealing with lubrication related failures.
A world-class lubrication and lubricant analysis program requires individuals with world-class skills. Almost everyone in a plant needs some lubrication awareness training. Lubrication training for all plant levels that impact machine reliability is critical.
It’s a fact … a well-designed lubrication program with skilled lubrication technicians can quickly and substantially reduce downtime and operating costs.
We in cooperation with Noria Co. offer globally-recognized training to help your organization become world-class.
Training programs are developed by Noria Co.
Noria Co. as well as we are a vendor-neutral organizations. It means we do not sell products such as lubricants, filters, etc. and are not aligned with any one vendor of these products. Our customers can trust our training and consulting services to be in the customer’s best interest and unbiased.
Choose a training course:
Fundamentals of Machinery Lubrication
Advanced Machinery Lubrication
Practical Oil Analysis
Advanced Oil Analysis
Onsite trainings.
If you have group of people you plan to train, consider the benefits of an in-house session conducted in the privacy and conveniences of your facilities or meeting site of your choice.
1. YOU SAVE MONEY. You can save up to 50% or more by having the seminar presented exclusively for your group.
2. SAVE TRAVEL & LODGING. Why pay for expensive airfare and hotel for the entire group you wish to train when on-site training is an option?
3. TRAINING FOCUSED ON YOUR NEEDS. Seminars can be tailored to your equipment and presented at the knowledge level of those attending.
4. YOU SAVE TIME. In-house seminars are scheduled to fit your busy schedule. The seminar happens when you need it and you do not have to leave your facilities.
Targeted to management, engineers, technicians, mechanics and/or operators, we offer seminars ranging from half day to three days in length.
Public training courses.
To find out about our public training courses please regularly check our webiste. Also for keeping an eye on our public courses you can send an inquiry at and we will send you a notification of any public training courses that we will run.
Please do not hesitate to ask more. You are warmly welcome to contact us by e-mail or just give us a call!